Monday, December 22, 2008

Waiting on Green

now i don't want to complain or nothin'......

but seriously. when did the west coast decide it wanted a white Christmas?
don't get me wrong, i really like snow and cold. i'm pale, snow is pale, cold people are pale. we have a good arrangement. the thing is when i get bored with snow, and i want a little side affair with greener pastures, i'm gonna be disappointed when i find 15 cm of snow blanketing the only green escape we have in Canada.
not to mention because if its usually mild temperatures, the entire time i've been on my trip, i've been bitching with folks been about the weather. now i know i like my griping, but i hoped i could have a vacation from that side of things as well.
my theory is that Vancouver Mayor Sam Sullivan is behind the whole thing.
think about it.
you have here a city, famous in its own nation for being a green escape. sure it has whistler, but that's all the way the fuck north. no one sees it as being much of a winter city. you also have here by reputation, a large population of people without homes and a large number of unsavory characters on the street. but hey! isn't there a major world event coming to town pretty soon? uh-oh!
can you kill those two birds with one stone?
hell yes!
Mayor Sullivan seems to have purchased a cartoon supervillan-esque weather changing machine. i would speculate from.....i dunno, let's say North Korea.
he then picked a time where no one really minds snow (Christmas) to freeze all the homeless people, make Vancouver a wintery place in time for the winter Olympics and blame it all on climate change. oh yeah. believe it.
fuck it. i'm going to Hawaii. aloha bitches.

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