Monday, November 9, 2009

Tweets and Barrells.

It has recently come to my intention that i am not a very good blogger.
i've resigned to tweets. although sometimes i tend to go over the character limit.
its hard to be eloquent when you're always having to take words out of your masterpiece of cynical thought.
like today, for example. i wanted to express my concerns that a certain word is being used to describe everything from pleasant surroundings to art to a tuna fish sandwich.

my tweet should have read

"Dear everyone,
I humbly request that you please stop referring to everything as being "Amazing". For a list of acceptable replacement adjectives, please consult a thesaurus."

however, that is 33 characters too long for a tweet. it only takes about 10 seconds to say aloud.
too long.

well, perhaps my frustration with make me a better blogger.

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